CBD KANU Slim - THCV Capsules - 50mg CBD + 5mg THCV + 5mg CBDV - CBD Products

CBD KANU Slim – THCV Capsules – 50mg CBD + 5mg THCV + 5mg CBDV


CBD KANU Slim – THCV Capsules – 50mg CBD + 5mg THCV + 5mg CBDV


THCV Capsules for Weight Loss

Users have nicknamed the compound “Diet Weed” for its appetite-decreasing and energy-boosting effects. While most weed will give you the munchies, THCV does the exact opposite. Apart from decreasing your appetite, it also increases satiety and improves your metabolism, making it an ideal candidate as a weight loss supplement.

But don’t claim victory just yet; THCV isn’t some miracle drug designed to help you get chiseled abs while you sit on your couch watching TV. While it’s true that THCV can be incredibly beneficial in a weight loss journey, it alone can’t get you to your desired weight. For noticeable effects, THCV needs to be paired with regular exercise, a healthy diet, and even restful sleep. Without these other factors, you will never be truly healthy, no matter how much THCV you take!

SKU: cbd-kan-slm Category:

Pop Into Weight Loss

THCV capsules are the ideal addition to anybody’s dietary routine. From decreasing appetite to increasing satiety, THCV has been studied around the world for its many weight loss uses. This elusive cannabinoid hosts a plethora of benefits, both related to weight loss and not. Ready to discover them in capsule form?

What Are THCV Capsules?

THCV capsules are small, soft-gel capsules, much like those you would find in a pharmacy. Filled with THCV, and sometimes with blends including similar cannabinoids, these capsules are small, easy to ingest, and conveniently portable.

THCV capsules as a quick and easy way to take your daily dose of THCV, hassle-free!

A Brief Overview of THCV

THCV is like a hidden gem within the cannabis plant, with unique properties that are yet to be fully explored. It’s like a rare bird found only in African sativa that captivates the curiosity of the scientific community. Even though it has a similar structure to THC, they are like two different sides of a coin, with THCV offering its own set of benefits and effects. Unlike THC, THCV has a more subtle impact and is only about 25% as potent. It’s like a gentle breeze compared to a strong wind. One of the most interesting differences is how they affect appetite. While THC is famous for making you ravenous, THCV can do the opposite and suppress your hunger.

Based on initial research, THCV may possess the following properties:

  • Suppressing appetite
  • Increasing feelings of fullness
  • Producing mild psychoactive effects
  • Regulating metabolism
  • Managing anxiety
Weight .2 oz


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